Parenting support & coaching
Parent support and coaching sessions are 50 minutes long and typically take place online. We want families to thrive, but we also understand the challenges (and joys!) of parenting.
Our clinicians are passionate about translating the science of parenting and child development into easy to understand and follow skills that can be tailored to your individual needs and approach as a parent. As a parent you will be provided with a non-judgmental space to explore your parenting while holding the needs of your child in mind.
As clinical psychologists we take an integrative approach to parenting support drawing from several psychological models including interpersonal neurobiology (brain-behaviour research), attachment theory, dyadic (family) psychotherapy and of course our own experience of parenting.
Clinical psychologists have special training in being able to formulate and unpick complex situations, this often gives parents the thinking space they need to trust their own innate parenting wisdom and feel confident in their own unique parenting style.
We are happy to work with single parents, separated parents, carers, foster carers, guardians and adoptive parents.
Please join our FREE parent club (click here) for access to emails with parenting tips, support and training.
Parenting Support/ Coaching: £135
50-minute session including all parenting resources such as help and crib sheets. Online via video call.
To make a booking, go to the 'contact' section of this site or contact us by e-mail.